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Pure Gold Nutrition

medicinal mushroom

Organic Raw Material

a concentrated active ingredient, using a unique production technology

Pristine Quality

our products contain twice as much mushroom raw material as commercially available products

Active Ingredients

polysaccharides, essential amino acids, vitamins, benzaldehydes, organic steroids and phospholipids

Our Products

Quality ingredients. Real results.

”Nature alone is antique, and the oldest art a mushroom.”

Thomas Carlyle

Natural health care with medicinal fungi

Nowadays, more and more people are turning to natural solutions to maintain their health in the long term. This mission is supported by Pure Gold Nutrition medicinal mushroom extracts, which offer a 100% natural and side-effect-free solution to support your health.

Guaranteed quality

Our products contain only organic components. The high active ingredient content is guaranteed by the mycology laboratory of the Mushroom Research Center Austria GmbH (MRCA), where organic medicinal mushroom species are cultivated.

A reliable source of nutrients

Food from organic farms might be up to 100% more nutrient-dense than food from conventional farms, according to research. Our products contain more active ingredients since laboratory research consistently seeks out the mushroom species with the highest content.

Unique product on the market

Our products contain twice as much raw mushroom material as comparable commercially available items because of the innovative manufacturing technology. The manufacturing process removes the chitin shell and the indigestible parts of the mushroom, so that the liquid extract contains only the highly absorbable active ingredients of the mushroom.

What are medicinal mushrooms?

Medicinal mushrooms have a history going back thousands of years. Their benefits have been recognized and used in Traditional Chinese medicine, and in recent decades there has been a growing body of research worldwide confirming their therapeutic value. Some of the mushrooms are edible in their natural state or can be taken as supplements. 

Medicinal mushrooms are mainly known for their immunomodulatory, antioxidant, cardiovascular, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. Their beneficial effects are due to the specific bioactive compounds they contain. The beta-glucan polysaccharides found in fungi may promote and regulate immune responses, thereby also playing a role in reducing the risk of cancer. 

Pure Gold Nutrition medicinal mushrooms
Pure Gold Nutrition_health benefits

The magical health benefits of medicinal mushrooms

The use of Pure Gold Nutrition medicinal mushroom extracts offers a natural way to achieve overall health and well-being, by: 

  • Stimulating the immune system;
  • Controlling blood sugar level;
  • Lowering cholesterol level;
  • Supporting cardiovascular health;
  • Preventing the development of cancer;
  • Alleviating anxiety and stress;
  • Promoting better sleep;
  • Increase concentration and cognition;
  • Preventing neurological diseases;
  • Fighting free radicals and oxidating stress;.
  • Reducing inflammation in the body.

Pure Gold Nutrition

Organic materials. 100% natural solutions. Zero compromises.

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